
Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine Infusions services offered in Putnam County, Mahopac and Cold Spring, NY

Ketamine Infusions
Ketamine Infusions services offered in Putnam County, Mahopac and Cold Spring, NY

If you have chronic pain or struggle with a mental health disorder and need symptom relief, turn to Vivash Med Spa in Mahopac, New York. We offer ketamine infusions to optimize your mind, body, and soul. Schedule an evaluation at Vivash Med Spa by phone or online today to determine if you’re a candidate for ketamine infusions. 

Ketamine Infusions Q & A

What are ketamine infusions?

Ketamine infusions are treatments that infuse medicine and fluids into your veins for quick absorption. Ketamine is an effective medicine for treating many conditions, particularly pain-causing disorders and some mental health challenges.


What are ketamine infusions used for?

Vivash Med Spa provides ketamine infusions to treat the following conditions:

Pain reduction

Ketamine is an anesthetic that helps reduce chronic (ongoing) pain. You might have discomfort because of various medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, or even diabetes. Pain may also appear after having surgery. 


Mood improvements

Ketamine therapy helps treat some forms of depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), improving your mood and quality of life. Symptoms of depression include loss of interest in favorite things, ongoing sadness, substance misuse, feeling worthless, and thoughts of suicide. 


How do ketamine infusions work?

While it’s not completely clear how ketamine works, it appears to target receptors in your brain, binding to them to reduce discomfort or improve your mental health. Because ketamine research is ongoing, the results experienced from this treatment vary from person to person. 


Am I a candidate for ketamine infusions?

The experts at Vivash Med Spa determine if ketamine infusions are right for you after discussing your medical history, goals, symptoms, medications, and treatment preferences. They personalize a plan that’s safe and effective.


What happens during treatment?

During ketamine infusions at Vivash Med Spa, simply rest on a comfortable chair. Your specialist inserts a tiny needle into one of your veins while you listen to music, take a nap, watch your phone, or read. The infusions typically last about 30-60 minutes. 


What should I expect after ketamine infusions?

After ketamine infusions, you may have less pain right away or feel more relaxed. Have a family member or friend drive you home, and take it easy for the rest of the day. The Vivash Med Spa team lets you know when to schedule your next treatment session.


Schedule by phone or online today to learn more or set up an appointment for an evaluation.